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Majority of Kentucky Fatal Crash Victims Were Unbuckled

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Majority of Kentucky Fatal Crash Victims Were Unbuckled

According to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Kentucky has witnessed a surge in deadly crashes, reaching a seven-year high. More than 51% of those who lost their lives were not wearing seatbelts, a choice that proved deadly.

HENDERSON, Ky. (WEVV) —According to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Kentucky has witnessed a surge in deadly crashes, reaching a seven-year high. The statistics are grim: more than 51% of those who lost their lives were not wearing seatbelts, a choice that proved deadly.

44News spoke with Driver, Hugh Samples, on an accident that has impacted his family personally.

“My nephew and my daughter were in a car accident, couple years ago. The seatbelt actually even broke his pelvis, but the alternative would’ve been just horrible,” Samples expressed.

Law enforcement and safety advocates are now intensifying efforts to tackle this deadly issue. 

44News spoke with Lieutenant Stuart O’Nan, with the Henderson Police Department, on their actions to improve safety.

“We've been trying to have more presence on the highways and roadways that have a higher speed where more dangerous accidents could happen,” Lieutenant O’Nan informed.

If you buckle up in the front seat of a car, you reduce the risk of fatal injury by 45%.

The Henderson Police Department is currently working on a highway safety program where they get federal funding to have officers go out and strictly enforce things like seatbelt violations.

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